Some made by me, some by some other kind folk. Do get in touch if you have a project you’d like to work together on.

Holmlands Stories: Walking the Fence

Dipping Britain

Seeking Wildness - Wild Swimming in Shetland with Lindsey Cole

Urban Mermaid

Urban Mermaid

En costume de sirène, Lindsey Cole sensibilise contre les déchets plastiques

Truck Tales

Walking the Rabbit Proof Fence

To Bude in the nude

A few things I like to do

A run in with camels and no fence

Walking the Rabbit Proof fence- Getting lost

Walking the Rabbit Proof Fence- an incredible end

Je parle le franglais en rollerskates

Mzungu power

Maasai Cricket Warriors

Running with a hero- Jacqueline Kiplimo

Kenyan athletes dont like cheese

Ugali-food of champs

Eating like a Kenyan running champion
Get in touch if you’d like to work together on something.